Frequently Asked Questions
What's included in your hourly rate?
All communication via email, text, and phone. However, if a phone conversation takes longer than 15 minutes, I begin billing by the quarter-hour.
All planning time that I spend dreaming up your solution.
What is not included?
If a situation is in need of a dumpster, the client is responsible for directly paying the dumpster provider.
Additional trips to dispose of unwanted items of the client.
Certain recycling centers for large electronics or specialty items charge fees depending on the item. This is discussed with the client before making the decision to go this route.
If I am managing the sale of items online for you or putting together a garage sale, all time I spend on the project is billed at the hourly rate.
Are there any additional fees?
Travel: By Google Maps, if it takes longer than an hour to reach your home, $30 round trip.
Do I have to do a consultation?
The consultation phase is essential to my ability to serve you. Since there is no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone, I like to get to know the details of the situation and get insight into how you live. If the consultation is done over the phone, I may ask for photos to quantify the mess and begin charging by the quarter hour starting at 15 minutes. Otherwise, I visit your home and our discussion will typically last about one hour.
How do you estimate how long it will take?
I take into consideration all phases of the project including de-cluttering, installation or repurposing of a framework, and rearranging the stuff within the framework. As a general guideline for a low to medium amount of clutter, I estimate one hour per linear horizontal foot of wall space. Example: A 4-foot closet that needs to be purged and the clothing rearranged would take about four hours. If a new closet system were being installed, that would add on another 2-4 hours.
What are the levels of clutter you encounter?
I've seen it all. Be not afraid.
Do you have a team?
There are preferred professionals that I contact for specific work in carpentry, cleaning, and psychology. Occasionally I reach out to other organizers in the area for assistance with a large project or engage a part-time assistant. No one will enter a client's home or business without specific permission.
How do purchases work?
All materials needed for a project up to $500 are included on the invoice for services. Items over $500 are charged directly to the client.
Can I do my own shopping?
I am an expert in choosing the appropriate item for a job based on budget, style, and function. I also have the duty to educate my clients on the reasons behind my choices, thereby aiding them to make smart choices in the future.
But, I am also happy to teach you about making decisions to align with goals and functionality to do your own shopping. There also might be things to consider like how it mounts, measurements, limitations of space, etc.
If a client would like to arrange a shopping trip with me, there is a $30 per hour charge including travel time.
Do you clean?
Yes and no. I clean up after myself for installations and do basic vacuuming and wiping down as I go, using my own supplies. I don't do laundry, dishes, animal waste, or things that are overly gooey or gross. I may ask the client to help or hire a professional.
When do you expect payment and how do you accept it?
I appreciate payment immediately upon receipt of my invoice. All invoices are emailed via Quickbooks. If a client pays before I send the invoice, I denote on the invoice that the amount has already been paid. Forms of payment include:
Check (payable to Kate Fisher or The Neatist, LLC)
Venmo (my handle is Kate-Fisher-12)
All major credit cards through Quickbooks Invoice
Bank ACH transfer via Zelle or though my Quickbooks Invoice
Where do you make donations and how do you dispose of trash?
Once a client has decided to let go of items, two goals of The Neatist are to leave the smallest footprint possible on our environment and make a positive impact on our community. If anything can be recycled, it is recycled. But if it is beyond repair, unsafe, or expired it must be trashed. Batteries, electronics, appliances, scrap metal, lumber are all recycled or donated as long as they are in acceptable condition. Household items, toys, and clothing are donated if in good condition.
Frequently used donation recipients are: Goodwill, St. Vincent De Paul, Salvation Army, and Habitat ReStore
Frequently used recycling centers are: Durham County Recycling Center and Orange County Recycling drop-offs
If you have any suggestions for more places to donate, please let me know!